
The Best "If Cena Wins, We Riot" Type of Match

Even so, the ECW crowd annoys me. They aren't as smart as they think they are. I consider smarky IWC types with no business sense to be evil because they suggest ******ed ideas and expect the WWE to not book good business decisions. In essence, the ECW audience is the root of all evil when it comes to bitchy forum members.

I LOVE the energy of the ECW crowd and I think it's fun as a niche, but you shouldn't run a nationally broadcasted wrestling company based on them. Ask Paul Heyman how that works out.

I think maybe the same reason a lot of guys on here like the ONS match is the same reason I like the Punk match. I'm an old ROH guy. I remember the red mat, the ridiculously long shows, etc. I've followed Punk since before his ROH days. I've followed Cena since I saw him on a discovery channel special and he was the Prototype. It meant a lot more to me to see those guys absolutely tear the house down.


Tisa Delillo

Update: 2024-06-22